We don't like to bore you with small print but from time to time we run promotions and special offers. Here are the terms and conditions so that you know where you stand.
When you dine in December, be sure to grab yourself a voucher from one of our team members, to enjoy 25% off food in January! You must bring your voucher to redeem the 25% off.
The Vouchers are valid in January 2024 only, and they are only valid on food, not drinks. They can be used at any of our Epicure Pub Co sites. Only one voucher can be used per bill, but there is no limit on how many guests the bill is for. The voucher cannot be used alongside any other offers or discounts.
If you grow your own fruit or vegetables and have a surplus that you’re not sure what to do with, then you can bring it to us and we’ll swap you for beer or wine to the equivalent value. We will use our supplier price lists for a guide when making any offer. Please liaise with senior Management or Head Chefs only and give us prior warning of your produce and delivery time to qualify. Beers included in this offer are house lagers, house ales or house wines. We reserve the right to reject any produce that doesn’t meet our required standard and will be under no obligation to trade.